Pea Shoots

pea shoots

e are proud to supply our members with freshly harvested microgreens on a weekly basis. The two most powerful greens that you should be adding to your meals every single day are sunflower and pea shoots, and that’s why we add them to your green juices. These foods are incredible sources of antioxidants, phytonutrients, enzymes, minerals and vitamins. They help to alkalize your body, support your immune system and ensure proper cell regeneration.

Exactly how rich is the nutrient profile of pea shoots? Let me throw some numbers at you:

times more vitamin C than blueberries.

Eight times more folate than bean sprouts.

Four times more Vitamin A than tomatoes.

Up to 69% of high quality bioavailable protein.

(See table below for more numbers).


Furthermore, pea shoots and sunflower microgreens are delicious, easy to add to your daily meals and snacks, and help to control your blood sugar levels and reduce food cravings. There just isn’t any good reason not to add these microgreens to every single salad or side dish that you prepare. You may visit our recipe page for some more ideas.

Finally, remember that when you place your order in advance we will be able to supply you with your microgreens the very same day that they are harvested. No, it does not get better than that!

See you soon,

Marc Jaoudé
Naturopath, Health Educator
Nutrition & Exercise Specialist


The following table provided by Vitacress (UK). pea shoot nutrition table2* Data analysis commissioned by Vitacress from an independent laboratory / ** No EC RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance)

 Pea Shoot Recipes

Buy Organic Sprouts & Microgreens


Scientific Studies

  • Ho CH., Lin YT., LABBE R.G., and Shetty K. Inhibition of Helicobacter Pylori by Phenolic extracts of Sprouted Peas (Pisum Sativum L.) Journal of Food Biochemistry. 2006; 30: 21-34. Conclusion: The potential to use natural phenolic phytochemicals from pea sprouts to control H. pylori was found to be promising.

  • Liu H., Chen Y., Hu T., Zhang S, Zhang Y., Zhao T., Yu H., Kang Y. The influence of light-emitting diodes on the phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities in pea sprouts. Journal of Functional Foods. 2016; 25: 459-465. Conclusions: Previous studies have determined that sprouting is an in-expensive and effective method for increasing the nutritive and nutraceutical quality of legumes…Phenolics are the products of a secondary metabolism in plants and possess a wide range of bioactivities. These activities include antioxidant, anti-carcinogenesis, anti-viral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and anti-diabetic potential…Seven different phenolic acids (gallic, chloro-genic, o-phthalic, p-hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, p-coumaric, andferulic acid) and four flavonoids (rutin, phloridzin, resveratrol,and kaempferol) were detected in the pea sprouts.

  • Burguieres E., McCue P., Kwon Y., and Shetty K. Health-Related Functionality of Phenolic-Enriched pea Sprouts in Relation to Diabetes and Hypertension Management. Journal of Food Biochemistry. 2008; 32: 314. Conclusions: It is clear that phenolic-enriched pea sprouts have high antioxidant activity, ACE 1 inhibitory activity and also good inhibitory activity on carbohydrate-modulating enzyme such as alpha-glucosidase related to glucose absorption in the intestine…Through phenolic and diet-based control of hyperglycemia, there is the potential ability to manage diabetes-related complications…Many bioactive components in phenolic-enriched pea seedling extracts can be additional potential hurdles to counter the complications of these major chronic diseases, because of their bioactive ingredient profiles with multiple functions.

Buy Organic Sprouts & Microgreens